Be Safe On 4th of July: Fireworks & BBQ Tips Everyone Needs to Know

Independence Day, or the Fourth of July, might just be the most popular national holiday in the United States. It makes sense, too, as everyone seems to love barbeques and fireworks. In order to keep the celebrations family friendly and safe, though, preparations and plans need to be well-made. Otherwise, people can run into unexpected trouble and get hurt.

A few BBQ safety tips every pit master should know include:

  • Keep children away from the BBQ when it is in use. Small children should also be allowed to play near the BBQ shortly after use, or as it cools down.
  • If your BBQ is positioned in a crowded area, then only people actively using and cooking with the BBQ should be at it. Many burn injuries and lacerations occur due to overcrowding around a BBQ in use and people bumping into one another.
  • Always ensure all foods cooked on your BBQ reach necessary temperatures to kill any potential bacteria. For example, most chicken breasts being grilled on a BBQ must reach 165 degrees Fahrenheit at its center point before serving.
  • Ask all your guests ahead of time about food allergies. Treat your BBQ space as a professional kitchen by maintaining the best hygiene practices and never allowing cross-contamination.

Fireworks safety tips you must follow to ensure safety include:

  • Never allow a young child to use a firework of any sort. Even sparklers are dangerous fire and burn hazards in young, inexperienced, and unsafe hands.
  • Never purchase any firework your county or state has deemed illegal. Only use professionally manufactured and approved fireworks. Look up local fireworks displays if you want to see larger, mortar-style fireworks.
  • Keep a water bucket and fire extinguisher nearby when using any firework. Thoroughly douse any used firework, leaving it in water until the next morning.
  • Dispose used fireworks with an approved disposal method. Many legal home-use fireworks can be disposed in garbage cans by first being soaked and then being placed inside a fireproof container.
  • Never hold a lit firework or place one upon your body. Stand a safe distance from a lit firework at all times. Wait a minute before approaching a used and extinguished firework.

Sometimes the best plans cannot account for everything. If you or a loved one are hurt while celebrating the 4th of July, and you believe a separate party might be liable for what happened, contact Habbas & Associates. Our San Jose personal injury attorneys have close to 200 years of combined legal experience and a history of landing multimillion dollar verdicts and settlements for our clients. Find out if you have a valid injury claim after a 4th of July accident with our help today.

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