Winter is approaching which means the potential for inclement weather going
to increase. This also means increased risks of collisions on the road.
The inclement weather causes many to panic while on the road, which can
lead to more crashes. It is important to make sure the proper steps are
taken to remain safe during bad weather. Here are some tips to help drive safer.
- Slow down – The fact is, the faster drivers go, the more likely a crash will occur. This is true for any day of the year, but when more inclement weather, it makes it more difficult for a driver to stop or control their vehicle properly. Speeding would make it nearly impossible.
- Keep both hands on the steering wheel – Many drivers like drive with just one hand on the wheel. This means less control should something happen all of a sudden. With both hands on the wheel, you have a better chance of maneuvering safely.
- Watch for sharp turns – Because inclement weather can cause slippery roads, sharp turns can cause any driver to lose control and drift. By slowing down and being cautious on sharp turns, drivers can prepare for what’s to come next.
- Give space an adequate amount of space – Don’t drive on the other person’s bumper as it could cause them to panic. It also gives driver less time to react to the vehicle if it were to stop, causing a rear-end collision.
- If it’s too bad, stop driving – Sometimes weather can get really bad, making visibility a serious issue. If this happens, it’s best to pull off somewhere to stay until it gets better. This helps avoid serious collisions on the road.
Drivers have options to check radio alerts for potential bad weather. The best option is to thoroughly prepare for whatever trip is ahead, checking road conditions, weather conditions, and for potential collisions. Once on the road, stay focused and make sure to be aware of all potential dangers such as fog or slippery roads. Knowing what to expect and what to do if danger arises can be the big difference between getting to a destination safe and being involved in a serious collision.
In many cases, there are negligent drivers on the road who don’t pay attention to the inclement weathers, driving recklessly for the conditions. When they do this, it can result in a collision and serious injuries. In this case, the victim or victims may be able to pursue legal action against the negligent party to seek compensation. This is where our San Jose car accident lawyers at Habbas & Associates come in to help you.
Contact our firm to discuss a potential lawsuit.